Left-brain content coaching for founders and small business owners
Learn my process-driven approach to content marketing, build your easy-to-use system and start creating content that fuels your growth.
You know you should be “doing content”
But you’re already wearing 5 hats.
You’re overstretched as it is. How can you commit to a new workstream that requires consistent attention while you’re already grappling with the many demands of growing your small business?
And where do you even start anyway? You know things like social media, email lists and video can be super-powerful for your business but how do you unlock their potential?
I know how you feel
I’m juggling similar challenges myself.
I know the skills I’m lacking and I can commit to filling the gaps. But time is my enemy. I need clear, easy-to-follow instructions for the things I don’t understand. I don’t need to become an expert overnight. I need to know just what I need to know, and I have to be able to use it simply, effectively and efficiently.
I’ve created the Left-Brain Content Strategy™️ programme for people just like us.
Filter out the noise
Left-Brain Content Strategy™️ focuses on making effective content marketing practical for the small-business owner.
There’s a ton of stuff out there already that covers the theory and practice of content marketing; the problem is there’s too much. A lot of the guidance is overcomplicated and unnecessary.
You don’t need to learn powerlifting routines if you’re a first-time gym goer who needs to shed a few pounds.
The same applies in content marketing.
Left-Brain Content Strategy™️ filters out the noise and gives you the stuff you actually need. Nothing more, nothing less.
I’m offering a one-time 66% discount
for my first 10 clients*
*This is a limited time offer and will not be repeated.
Why am I the guy to teach you?
I’m Adam; a professional content creator who’s been involved in content marketing for over 23 years. With a background in TV production, I’ve seen the industry evolve as new platforms, techniques and trends have emerged and totally changed the rules.
Over the last two decades I’ve had the privilege to create content for some of the biggest brands on the planet. I’ve seen a huge range of needs, challenges and ambitions; and time and time again the same mistakes and recurring problems.
Now I’m bringing that experience to you.
Adam has a very distinguished background in top-level and award-winning content for some of the biggest brands in the world. He's a visionary who has created many stunning and very clever strategies for companies that want to stand-out and scale. Copy the big guns and get Adam in your corner.
Founder, Cucu Creative
I can’t speak highly enough of Adam. He’s a brilliantly creative and strategic thinker, with an amazing ability to combine the immediate needs of his clients with developing longer-term, bigger picture goals. No easy feat! And to finish it off he’s also a lot of fun to work with.
Executive Producer
What I can help you with
The Left-Brain Content Strategy™️ programme will teach you the process-driven approach you need to ensure your content-creation efforts deliver results; and–importantly–that you can achieve them as a time-strapped founder.
It will give you the thinking, skills and discipline you need to start creating consistent, effective content marketing for your business.
Reduce friction
Left-Brain Content Strategy™️ provides the knowledge, practical tactics and repeatable frameworks to make your content marketing easy: easy to generate ideas, easy to execute and manage, easy to measure.
Strategy first
By focusing on establishing a “Why” for your content first, before diving head-first into content creation, we build a rock-solid foundation for your content marketing efforts (most skip past this critical step; even the biggest companies).
Tactics second
The “How” is really why you’re coming. Left-Brain Content Strategy™️ is a deeply practical programme, full of real-life examples and hands-on tasks. By showing-not-telling, I’ll teach you the skills and systems you need to make planning, creating and publishing content a breeze.
10 weeks of personalised coaching
Weekly 1:1 calls and always-on access to me
Tried-and-tested templates, tools and cheatsheets
The Programme
Craft your bespoke content system through 6 modules
Understanding the basic concepts
Setting objectives and defining your Why
Getting up close and personal with your most important asset
Building a content map to bring you and your audience together
Processes and frameworks for friction-free content creation
Getting your personal content system in place
Ready to apply for coaching?
Built for people like you
You’re looking for growth
Your product or service is clearly defined. It’s working well and generating solid revenue. But you need to unlock something to increase volume and scale.
You’re a valuable asset
You have a brand, an identity, built around you as founder–your personality, your drive and your vision. Your customers are coming to you for this as much as your offering.
You’re driven
Much of your success is down to your drive, determination and work ethic. But you can only do so much. You need systems you can manage consistently over time.
You don’t need my coaching if...
You aren’t interested in being seen as a trusted voice of authority. This programme will turn you into a leader in your field.
You’d rather get going on your content immediately and are happy to figure it out as you go along. Left-Brain Content Strategy™️ is designed specifically to prevent needless trial and error.
You care more about your business than you do about your customers. This programme puts your audience at the centre of your world; nothing is more important.
You’re looking for a quick-fix for your business challenges. Content marketing is immensely powerful but it’s a long-term strategy; you will need patience and persistence.
Be one of my first 10 clients and grab a 66% discount*
*This is a limited time offer and will not be repeated.
Why “Left-Brain” content coaching?
The left-brain right-brain concept comes from a theory proposed by psychobiologist and Nobel Prize winner Roger W. Sperry in the 1960s. His research suggested that the two sides of the brain function very differently.
According to Sperry, the left brain is more logical, analytical, and orderly than the right brain. Like a “digital” brain, it’s better at things like sequencing, linear thinking and facts.
The right brain is more visual and intuitive. Like an “analogue” brain, it has a more creative and less organised way of thinking. It’s better at things like imagination, holistic thinking and visualisation.
Sperry’s theory was later proved incorrect; it turns out both sides of the brain are entirely interdependent.
But this makes it a great way to think about content marketing.
Producing creative content might traditionally be thought of as a purely Right-Brain pursuit. But your content can’t be “creative” just for the sake of it.
It has a job to do. It needs to push you towards your goals. It has to be effective. And you have to be able to do it consistently–alongside all the other stuff you’re already doing.
This simply isn’t possible without a Left-Brain approach. You need a step-by-step plan, based on clear, logical goals and an analysis of you, your audience and your objectives.
Turn this into a system based on simple, repeatable processes and you have a winning formula.
Invest in yourself and your business
If you’re serious about your business, you understand the importance of investing in its future.
Left-Brain Content Strategy™️ represents more than 20 years of experience and thousands of hours of hard-won lessons from the highest levels of professional content marketing. Whatever your industry, business model or stage of growth, this programme will help you build a lasting, mutual relationship with the most important factor in your company’s ongoing success: your customers.
I’m offering a one-time 66% discount
for my first 10 clients
I’ve been in the game a long time
I’ve created content for some the biggest consumer brands on the planet, like Coca-Cola and Nike, and for blue chips and tech companies like BMW, Samsung and Intel.
I’ve worked for sporting bodies like Formula One and the America’s Cup, sports teams like McLaren and AMG Mercedes and competitions like the Football World Cup and the Olympic Games.
I’ve created content for banks, energy companies and law firms, and built YouTube channels for financial-services companies.
I’ve worked for internal content teams at publishers like The Economist and the LadBible, and for TV networks like the BBC, Sky, Channel 4, BT Sport and CNN.
Young Me!
Young Lewis
I’m done working for the big guys
I want to share my knowledge and turn the passion I have for content strategy into something that can genuinely make a difference. By bringing the lessons I’ve learned from servicing the world’s biggest brands to you, the solopreneur and small business owner, I want to help find solutions to your challenges, fuelling your businesses, powering your success and creating positive impact in your lives.
Why isn’t this a course?
of students taking self-directed online courses fail to complete them
If you’re investing your time, effort and money in my programme, I owe you better than a best-case
15% chance of success.
Learning outcomes are my North Star. The key, underlying motivation for Left-Brain Content Strategy™️ is to create transformative learning outcomes for my students.
Sure, courses might make me more money. They would probably take less effort from me and require far fewer working hours. But the statistics don’t lie. If this was a course you simply wouldn’t learn as well as me coaching you.
Apply for coaching
It’s important we both understand if the Left-Brain Content Strategy™️ programme will be a good fit for you. The form below will help us find out. Please fill it out answering the questions fully where prompted.
Do you want:
8 weeks of personalised coaching
Weekly 1:1 calls
Always-on access to me
Your own bespoke content system
Credibility and authority in your space
A pipeline full of warm leads
Let’s Linkedin
Drop me a line
Whether you want to find out more about the programme, discuss how coaching works or learn more about the results you can achieve and the positive impact this could have on your business.